National Will Writers

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are your nearest offices?

No need to travel to one of our offices, our services are provided online and over the phone so you can complete everything from the comfort of your own home.

What areas do you cover?

We cover the whole of the UK including England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Do you do home visits?

All our services are done online and over the phone which is often much more convenient for our clients. The service is exactly the same as a face to face consultation.

Who can witness my Will?

The witnesses should be independent from anyone named in the Will or that could benefit from your estate. It is always best to use people such as neighbours, work colleagues or friends. They have to be aged 18 or over and must witness you signing your Will before signing it themselves.

Where should I store my Will?

Your Will is a very important document and the probate office won’t accept copies. The number of Wills that go missing, cannot be found in time or even signed and witnessed incorrectly is staggering. That’s why we offer a service that includes checking the Will has been signed and witnessed correctly, registered on the National Database and stored in a secure storage facility to ensure that when the time comes, your relatives can easily locate the Will.

Qualified Legal Professionals

We use Solicitors and Legal Professionals for all of our advice. They specialise in all aspects of estate planning and administration to ensure you get the right advice to achieve your final wishes.

Friendly easy to understand service

Legal jargon is difficult to understand at the best of times. We try to avoid all of that by explaining everything in an easy to understand way and answering all your questions.

Our Awards and Certificates

We are very proud to have won the Legal Award for the best Will Writing and Estate Administration company 2021 at the SME News Legal Awards 2021.